
Hack for cyber security Innovation

October 22, 2024:

Innovate in Cyber with a CyHax Workshop followed by a Hackathon in February 2025.

Register now to secure your spot and participate in the definition of challenges. Co-create, connect, and attract the talent you need.

CyHax: Innovate, Brand and Train
for Cyber-Security AI

  • Placeholder

    Innovate, Co-create

    Innovate in AI with “Knowledge-centric AI”, data science, LLMs, and quantum computing for cyber security.

  • Placeholder

    Brand, network, partner

    Co-creation is the best way to engage in partnerships for Cyber Security, while you brand your products.

  • Placeholder

    Recruit Vetted Talent

    CyHax is the best way to vet Talent you can recruit for your Cyber Security product team.

A new kind of hackathon brought to you by a dream team of partners and the National Science Foundation

Partnering with the world's leading research institutions to build a new Anti-Phishing Open Standard and Secure SaaS Supply Chains.

Challenge example.

Help solve one of the most pressing challenges in Cyber Security, with Knowledge Graphs.

The SaaS Supply Chain NSF OKN project aims to build a comprehensive knowledge graph of software components across the SaaS Supply Chain, to enhance overall security. Utilizing a neural knowledge acquisition pipeline, it will extract and update data from various sources, consolidating it with quality control measures. The resulting knowledge graph will support a unique multi-modal query system and tools for detecting and addressing software vulnerabilities, real time. Collaborations with industry and government partners will ensure real-world relevance, while initiatives to engage and educate future software programmers will be integrated.

KnowHax is not a traditional cyber security hackathon where hackers attempt to penetrate defenses, etc. With KnowHax, you co-create around a next-gen AI project funded for the next 3 years by the NSF, with open source data. You take part in a hackathon “Challenge” that will try and implement a “Solution”: a prototype app or model to solve an aspect of the Secure SaaS Supply Chain problem. You will leverage some of the data made available by the OKN project at Purdue University.

With KnowHax, you can engage some of your teams to mentor the Participants who will take part in solving this project. You can engage your teams in learning with the Participants, and bringing back innovative ideas and new knowledge to your company. You can also just take a back seat and brand to talent, or actively connect with the research teams at dedicated events.

Learn more about the team at Purdue University.

Hackathon format


All the events within CyHax (Challenges workshop, Onboarding, Launch, Pitch, Team meetings, Mentor meetings…) will be accessible remotely.

Main Workshop Dates: OCT 22

Hackathon Launch: Mid February, 2025

Pitch Date: Mid March 6, NYC offices + remote

  • Teams will support Beneficiaries: research projects funded by the NSF to create the first Open Knowledge Network (knowledge that future AIs will leverage) as well as Education and Company projects

  • Participants create Teams. Teams tackle Challenges by proposing Solutions. Teams meet, work, network, and have fun by doing! “A rewarding experience”

  • Mentors are tech experts, or business experts, who join for 3 or 8 hours total for the whole month of the Hack, and connect with one or more Team(s).

  • Choose their primary goals for sponsoring, so that their organization gets the right reporting and their employees (if any) may be engaged for the proper results and KPI, as chosen by the sponsor.

  • Solutions are what is produced: prototypes of implementations of the research project’s knowledge graphs. These prototypes should preferably contain functional code or no-code samples, but can also just consist of designs or data research. They are produced in open-source mode or for a company, depending on the hackathon or challenge.

    • Participants: commitment for 3 weekends, and/or 3 full weeks

    • Mentors: commitment for 3 hours, or 8 hours.

    • Sponsor: commitment for 1 hour of KPI sharing, 1 hour of employee invites, and speaking or participation depending on sponsoring tier and goals.

Share within your community!

Share with Mentors

Share with Participants

Share this short video with anyone who might want to mentor or introduce us to a cybersecurity vendor, CISO team member, cyber organization, Professor, or professional! The following skills are welcome:

  • Data Science

  • Web Development

  • Cyber Security

  • Software engineering

  • and any other cyber and tech skills